Through a Shorter Lens
An Interactive Exploration of How Children Move and See Movement | February 2017
Choreographed by McKayla Murphy
Performed by Mia Massaro, Kasey Dumonceaux, Maddy Schwartz, Maddi Miller, and Lexie Billins
Photo by McKayla Murphy
Made possible by the voters of Minnesota through the Prairie Lakes Regional Art Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts a cultural heritage fund

Beautiful Wreckage
December 2014
Choreographed and performed by McKayla Murphy
Photo by Stan Waldhauser

The Paths We Travel
December 2014
Choreographed by McKayla Murphy
Performed by Sara Bitton, Maura Bremmer, Paulette Ostrowski, Sami Heggem, Eliza Nolan, Maggie Kennedy, and Leah Pruden
Photo by Giselle Murillo

I'm In Here
December 2013
Choreographed collaboratively by McKayla Murphy and Anneliese Heinicke