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One Vote is Not Enough

November 2018

Choreography by McKayla Murphy

Performed by Courtney Castleberry, Kathryn Dudley, Laura K Johnson, Libby Saunders, Samantha Heggem, McKayla Murphy, Katy Becker

What's Left

October 2017

Choreography by Michele Rusinko

Performed by McKayla Murphy and Jordan Lovestrand


August 2016

Choreographed by Michele Rusinko 

Performed by McKayla Murphy, Katrina Rusinko, Nikki Stromme, Michele Rusinko, Allie Retterath, Katy Becker, and Melissa Rolnick.

Pavane for Water

May 2016

Choreographed by Michele Rusinko with McKayla Murphy

Performed by McKayla Murphy

Video by Stan Waldhauser


May 2016

Choreographed by Michele Rusinko

Performed by McKayla Murphy, Lexie Billins, Allie Retterath, Karolina Stark, Laura Johnson, and Emma Hunt

Photo by Stan Waldhauser

Video by Stan Waldhauser

I Practice Not Feeling a Thing

May 2016

Choreographed by Jordan Klitzke

Performed by McKayla Murphy, Libby Saunders, Tom Damery, Nicole McGuigan, Karolina Stark, Maddie Bakken, Sami Heggem, Maddy Schwartz, Johnathan Surber, Audi Dickey, Courntey Castleberry, Sara Bitton, Lexie Billins, Mia Massaro, and Dana Reibe

Studies on Gravity

May 2016

Choreographed by Sarah Hauss

Performed by McKayla Murphy, Audi Dickey, Courtney Castleberry, Laura K Johnson, Brynn Makela, Sara Bitton, and Hailey Uphoff

Photo by Stan Walhauser

Video by Stan Waldhauser

For Those Who Stayed

December 2015

Choreographed by Kate Dudley

Performed by McKayla Murphy, Mara Fenske, Maddie Bakken, Eliza Nolan, and Leah Pruden

Photo by Stan Waldhauser

Video by Stan Waldhauser

What's Left

May 2015

Choreographed by Michele Rusinko

Performed by McKayla Murphy and Jordan Lovestrand

Photo by Stan Waldhauser

Video by Stan Waldhauser

Show Up

May 2015

Choreographed by Katy Becker

Performed by McKayla Murphy, Nicole McGuigan, Karolina Stark, Allie Retterath, Alina Peter, Courtney Castleberry, and Kate Dudley

Photo by Stan Waldhauser

Video by Stan Waldhauser

My Body is Home

December 2014

Choreographed by Maggie Kennedy

Performed by McKayla Murphy, Karolina Stark, Sami Heggem, Julia Wenstrom, Stephanie Marquardt, Eliza Nolan, Libby Saunders, and Callie Fischer
Photo by Giselle Murillo

River Flows in You

December 2014

Choreographed collaboratively by McKayla Murphy, Leah Pruden, Hailey Uphoff, and Sara Bitton


May 2014

Choreographed by Sarah Hauss

Performed by McKayla Murphy, Johnny Bates, Allie Kalkman, Kelsey Charlotte, Maggie Kennedy, Sara Bitton, and Emily Donlon

Photo by Calabay Productions

Wish Want Hunger Ache

November 2013

Choreographed by Mallory Waytashek

Performed by McKayla Murphy, Karolina Stark, Katie Kemp, and Jeremy Butler

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